Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is Spring Here?

Well as March has rolled in, it looks as though we will be experiencing some nice seasonal temperatures over the next couple of days. This is the first week in a while that there is no rain in the short term forecast and no hint of any frost delays, YIPPPEEE!!

With the temperatures consistently warming up, hopefully we can wake the grass from the deep slumber it has been in since about late-November. As the temperatures begin to reach more seasonal-like, the soil temperatures will begin to rise, and we will see the emergence of some green, yes I said green, color across the golf course. Believe it or not, the grass is not DEAD, it's DORMANT, and it will come back once the conditions are suitable. As we move into spring, the sun will begin to move more into the northern sky generating more intense sunlight on this part of the world, bringing along with it warmer temperatures. A perfect example to watch for is the temperature inside your car when it is parked outside for an extended period of time. If you were to park in the direct sunlight today, the interior would be comparably cooler than a month from now, unless it is a cloudy day. Try it and see.

Over the past few weeks, I hope you have all gotten a chance to see the new additions we have made around the course, mainly the flower beds. We have done a lot of renovating, removing, and replanting in these beds that have been neglected over the past few years. Due to the flower bed renovation at the clubhouse, we were left with a large amount of healthy plant material we were able to transplant out into the recently renovated areas. Next time you are out, pay attention to the tee box areas on 6, 10, 12, and 13. These were all areas that were targeted as "most needing attention." These new additions should go along way in dressing things up around the course and we will continue to make improvements where ever we can

I will close by saying I hope you can all get out and experience the wonderful weather we are experiencing this week. Also feel free to pass along comments on the blog, I promise I can take the negative with the positive. This is a tool for me to communicate effectively with you as a member, so your feedback will only make it better. Until next time hit it straight and as few times as you can.

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